13 Telegram Channels To Follow In 2021
With broadcast channels and bots, Telegram is more than a personal chat platform. Here are 13 useful government channels and bots to subscribe to on...
What We Can Learn From Our Pet Animals
Working from home or apart from colleagues can take a toll. When you don’t feel like taking advice from other people, take some life lessons from our...
5 Things To Do Before the New Work Year
The year-end is a time to reflect and prepare for the year ahead before work ramps up. Do it with guided reflection and tips from veteran public...
Emergency Gifting
In the year-end scramble to find gifts, it might be best to avoid the shopping crowds – opt for quicker, thoughtful online purchases instead.
Celebrating The Festive Season Safely In A Time Of COVID-19
Tips and ideas to celebrate the festive season and the end of 2020 with friends and colleagues safely from home.
Singapore Public Officers As Deepavali Snacks
Life is like a box of chocolates, but this Deepavali, what if the public officers were like a box of mithai, or Indian sweets?
Trivia Quiz
Submit your answers by November 11, 2020 at psd.gov.sg/challenge
Chilling Costumes For The Public Officer
Ghouls? Monsters? Zombies? None of these is quite as frightening as these office scenarios.