Dealing With 400 Tonnes Of Oil: Emergency Preparedness In Action
Led by MPA and involving multiple agencies, industry partners, and the community, the response to the 2024 oil spill shows how being prepared is key.

The Movie In Our Minds: Singapore In 10 Years
Public officers describe how a movie about Singapore’s future would depict our society.
Work Better
Five Workplace Lessons We Can Learn From Iconic Singaporean Foods
Singapore’s iconic foods are not only delicious but also teach valuable lessons for the workplace.
Work Better
Mentoring 101: Get Started On Mentoring In Five Simple Steps
Make a difference through mentoring via these five steps
Breaking Barriers, Shattering Glass Ceilings: How Women In Public Service Made History
From advocating for gender equality to shaping national policies, women in Public Service have played a role in building the nation since 1965.
Flood Management Meets Instagram Goals: Engineering X Aesthetics
Flood management in Singapore has been getting more innovative as scenic parks, waterways, and ponds double as flood management structures.
Work Better
Keep Calm and Serve the Public: 10 Ways to Stay Cool and Defuse Tension
Handle emotionally charged situations with professionalism and composure: Ten practical tips to help public officers.
Work Better
Five Small Steps to Prep for Your Performance Review
Prepare for performance reviews by documenting your work in five easy ways.