All Things Digital - September 2013

The latest happenings online.
All Things Digital - September 2013

Digital Chatter

What people are saying about Singapore online.

The metropolis of glass and steel inaugurates two vast nature projects guaranteed to boost the green quotient further and to enhance the city’s image as a destination for environmental tourism.
- The New York Times names Singapore the 11th best place to visit in 2013, due to Gardens by the Bay and the new Marine Life Park.
Singaporeans appear to love fast food. The southeast Asian city tied with Chicago for highest volume of McDonald’s searches, and bested all others in KFC searches.
- Marcus Wohlsen for Wired magazine (September 28, 2012) in an article about Google search trends:
While the government has done a great job of loans and grant programmes, culturally it’s very difficult to push entrepreneurship very quickly.
- Ron Mahabir, founder of Asia Cleantech Capital, quoted in a BBC article (February 20, 2012) on Singapore’s entrepreneurship:

Thumbs Up

2018-05-30Keith Tan, Senior Director, PS21 Office, PSD
TurboScan: “I adore TurboScan (, which helps me to digitise documents and photos easily. It removes shadows and other lighting effects very well. There is hardly any difference from a flatbed scanner.”

iF Poems: “iF Poems is a wonderful collection of nearly 300 great poems for all ages, some of them are read by British actors like Helena Bonham Carter. You can even record yourself reading your favourite poems.”

IRIS: “SBS Transit’s IRIS app helps me figure out when a bus is coming and thus saves me a lot of time!”


2018-05-30-(3)Walter Lim, Director, Corp Comms, IRAS
Six Pixels of Separation: “I recommend Mitch Joel’s [Twist Image President] podcast for cutting edge insights on marketing in the social age.”
Harvard Business Review Blog: “I also like the awesome Harvard Business Review blog ( for strategies on management, leadership and business.”

    Sep 19, 2013
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