Your Say: Who or What Gives You the Best Ideas at Work?

Edwin Zhang,
If we want to create ideas, we should let go of our mental “restrictions and barriers”. How does humour help? Take [animation studio] Pixar, where “jovial discussion” animates their culture. In Little Bets, Peter Sims writes that a playful environment is most helpful when incubating or hatching ideas – the more ideas you hatch, the more you can innovate. In her new book Love 2.0: How Our Supreme Emotion Affects Everything We Feel, Think, Do, and Become, psychologist Barbara Fredrickson shows how micro-moments of positivity resonance are generated – when you share a laugh with someone, you’re not only mirroring the person’s body language and tone of voice, but also prompting mutual understanding and quick creation of ideas. I often get the “ah-ha” moment when my colleagues and I share jokes. Ever noticed how you get inspired when you laugh?
Congratulations, Edwin! We agree that humour is seriously needed to spur creativity, so we’re giving you two $50 tickets to Happy Ever Laughter: Standup Comedy Madness featuring the local scene’s most acclaimed comedians. Enjoy!
For Edwin and other published winners, we will be giving out a limited edition Mr Kiasu comic book too.

*This limited edition Mr Kiasu comic book is an initiative of S.U.R.E. campaign, by National Information Literacy Programme.
Thinagaran S K,
Communication shows the myriad perspectives on an issue; and more often than not, in one of those angles lies the key to the issue. Communication at the workplace should not be stigmatised as endless ramblings or useless coffee-break gossips, but as inspiration towards innovation. Bill Gates once declared, “I’m a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they are interested in.”
Tang Weylin,
The small and simple things in life give me the inspiration for ideas at work. For example, can planning be done in a different way if a dirt track around my HDB lift tells me that people prefer to take this path instead of the formally built way? My little write-up used for a speech can give me an idea of the “big picture”. A lunch discussion with colleagues can become a brainstorming session and a lazy Sunday afternoon with my loved one can lead to a breakthrough in thinking to prepare for Monday.
Gavin Tay,
Those in top management need to tell their subordinates that questioning the status quo is not only permitted, but recommended. There is no incentive for an employee to share his ideas or put his creativity to use at work if he is afraid of stepping on toes. When employees are able to voice their opinions freely without fear of reprisal, then true innovation can take place.
Ruth Ng,
My team values learning and relationships. There are drawings all over the office capturing our ideas and developments at work. We often share discoveries and challenge norms. You can also find sports equipment, books, magazines, photos, toys, articles, pictures, quotes and snacks for anyone to enjoy anytime. The generous psychological “space” helps me to generate some of my best ideas at work.

With 2014 being the 20th anniversary of the International Year of the Family, tell us a memorable moment you’ve shared with your parents and/or children.
Tell us at
The best entry will win an attractive prize worth up to $100! All other published entries will win book vouchers worth $30 each and a limited edition Mr Kiasu comic book. Please include your name, agency email address, agency and contact number.
All entries should reach us by February 4, 2014.
Jan 5, 2014
Big Idea
How to be a Bright Spark
Work Better
All Things Digital - September 2016