The Areas And Topics Public Officers Want To Be Engaged In As Citizens

As citizen engagement efforts ramp up across the Public Service, Challenge asked public officer readers which areas they would like to be engaged in as citizens.
As citizen engagement efforts ramp up across the Public Service

Winning Entry

I would like to be engaged in the areas of climate change, outdoor education and nurturing strong families. Climate change is a complex and pressing issue. It’s the kind of thing that “creeps” up on us – it’s not so direct but the effects can be disastrous and irreversible. As 2020 started with more than five disasters (e.g., Australia’s bushfire), I think it’s a wake-up call for us to pay more attention to our climate changing and discuss what we can do to better protect the environment.

For outdoor education, there is much potential for building character and leadership, forging relationships, etc. I hope we can explore more on how we can tap outdoor education for various purposes.

Nurturing strong families is something close to my heart. Many of my friends are going through challenges in their marriages. As we learn to better manage technologies, why are we falling behind in our ability to manage relationships? How can we build and support stronger families that last?

Katie Phon, SLA

Congratulations, Katie! You win a $100 gift card to spend at the Open Farm Community. Share it with your friends and spend a day of outdoor dining and learning together.

Other Entries

I would like to be engaged in something that impacts my daily life – shaping my neighbourhood. For instance, I would like to be consulted on the facilities to be included in my neighbourhood. I think people who live in the neighbourhood will have a better idea of what facilities they need most, compared to the planners who may not live here. It will be even more wonderful if citizens can determine how the budget is to be spent for their neighbourhood. For instance, allow citizens to vote for which features to be built, or what activities should be organised. I think this will enrich policymaking greatly.

Alvin Tan, GovTech

I’d like to be engaged more on how I can make Singapore a better home. I would like to know more about what I can do to make Singapore a better home for all, apart from making donations and giving to charities. How can I work with others as a young working adult and with the rest of the Public Service to improve my living environment and build a more caring community?

Teo Jia Yu, PMO

Expanding the Moot Parliament Programme (MPP) to allow for participation would enable anyone of us inquisitive public officers to try our hands at debating and discussing influential government bills. Through experiential learning, we could walk away with a deeper understanding of policymaking, and a greater appreciation for our colleagues and the work which they do.

Irene Wong, MinLaw

More permanent avenues should be established for Singaporeans to help shape policies and solve problems facing their community. This could run the gamut from community or townhall meetings that provide opportunities for public deliberation early in any policy development to having a participatory stake in budgeting, including offering ideas on how to spend government grants for local infrastructure development. By doing this, the government will be able to foster an inclusive culture within society, thus meeting the aspirations of better-educated and informed citizens who want to be more involved in the governing process.

Tan May Chin, PSD

Share your best ideas.

How will you use your $500 SkillsFuture top-up? Share your best ideas.

Send your entry to

The most creative entry will receive a prize worth $100. All other entries published will win vouchers worth $30 each. Entries may be edited. Please include your name, agency email address, agency and contact number.

All entries should reach us by May 22, 2020.

    Mar 11, 2020
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