Get Wired May 2014

Speed up your Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer (often shortened as IE) was developed by Microsoft and released in 1995. It holds 23% of the browser market as of February 2014. Here’s how to make it work faster.

Get Wired March 2014

Remove unwanted extensions/toolbars

Excessive plugins can slow down your browser. Follow “Tools” > “Manage add-ons” to remove the ones you no longer need.

Automatically delete browsing history

Clear out your browser history as part of routine maintenance. Select “Tools” > “Internet Options” > the “General” tab > check “Delete browsing history on exit”.

Clear Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) state

Secure websites such as those for online banking use SSL to encrypt transactions. Corrupt SSL data can slow down the browser. Go to “Tools” > “Internet Options” > the “Content” tab > click “Clear SSL state”.

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Get Wired May 2014

Write effective emails

Mattan Griffel, creator of online coding class One Month Rails, shares a few tips on crafting emails to get responses from busy people: Keep it to two or three sentences if you can, or break it down to short paragraphs, and be direct and reasonable with your requests.

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    May 16, 2014
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