All Things Digital - September 2014

The latest happenings online.

Digital Chatter

What people are saying about Singapore online.

I suggest one Municipal App service for all apps. There are too many apps. #ndrsg
- Jeff Cheong (@jeffcheong), tweeting after learning of the new Municipal Services Office.
The multi-agency “Municipal Service [sic] Office” sounds good! With data mining can become like NY’s 311!
- Sivasothi N. (@sivasothi), tweeting after learning of the new Municipal Services Office.
@hellofrmSG @MCCYsg My personal favourite is @halalSG, or @SCDF though. Gahmen twitter faceoff!

Alvin Tan, Associate Consultant, IDA

Feedly: As part of IDA’s technology group, I am always scanning for emerging tech and related news. I use Feedly to manage the many news feeds. With access via the Web and a mobile app, plus a simple interface to bookmark and share on social media, tracking tech developments is a breeze.

Twitter: Besides being a good source of breaking news, Twitter is great for networking At conferences and festivals, Twitter helps connect like-minded people and can even provide direct access to senior management in some companies.

Audrey Koh, Assistant Manager, REACH, MCI

Audrey Koh, Assistant Manager, REACH, MCI

Snapseed (iOS/Android):This simple yet powerful app serves all my photo-editing needs. My favourite function is “Selective Adjust”; I can control the brightness, contrast and saturation to make pro-looking photos – even if they were from a quick phone snap!

Microsoft OneNote (iOS): I use this to take notes, plan trip itineraries and track expenses. I can create several “notebooks”, organise content with tabs and pages, and insert pictures into my notes. Best of all, it syncs across devices.

    Sep 1, 2014
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