All Things Digital - March 2015
Digital Chatter
What people are saying about Singapore online.

Jessie Li, Senior Executive, HPB
Plant Nanny: An adorable mobile app that reminds you to drink water at regular intervals and tracks how much you’re drinking in a day.
Momentum: A Google Chrome extension that replaces the New Tab page with a personal dashboard that lets you set a daily goal and to-do list, and shows inspirational photos and quotes. Momentum helps me start every day (and tab) with positivity.
Clarie Yeoh, Defence Executive Officer, MINDEF
Clean Master (Speed Booster): This Android app boosts your phone’s memory and guards against overheating and malicious software. The “1 Tap Boost” shortcut is especially handy for closing any background apps – a convenient way to clean out clutter from your phone!
line Deco: This app makes customising my phone fuss-free. From vintage to floral themes, and even food, you can play around with wallpapers and icons to create the perfect combo for a spiffy new home screen.
Mar 20, 2015
Work Better
All Things Digital - July 2015
Work Better
All Things Digital - May 2015