6 Ways To Make New Colleagues Feel Welcomed At Work

Welcoming a new colleague is more than just the customary handshake and office tour; it’s about creating an atmosphere where they consistently feel appreciated from day one. Here are six meaningful ways you can foster a sense of belonging and ensure your newest colleague feels right at home.
1. Create a “Snack and Greet Announcement”

As opposed to the standard greeting rounds that can be awkward, creating a snack and greet announcement can allow your new colleague to meet your team members in a fun and casual way.
Place a box of goodies on your new colleague’s desk and invite your team to join the newcomer at the goody station. This way, everyone can gather around, nibble on some treats and break the ice in an effortless manner.
2. Organise Team-Building Activities
Team building activities serve as the perfect icebreaker, allowing team members to interact and get to know each other better in relaxed and informal settings. From outdoor adventures to island retreats, organise a gathering outside the workplace to build bonds between the newcomers and your team.
If none of the options appeal to your team, consider crowdsourcing ideas from them about their favourite places in Singapore or places they would like to visit. This adds a personalised touch to the team-building activity and can make team members feel heard and valued.
3. Create a Welcome Kit

First impressions count, and nothing sets the tone quite like a thoughtfully-assembled welcome kit to help your new colleague settle into their role smoothly.
Craft a personalised welcome kit that includes an information packet, starter office supplies, job-related resources, stress relievers and even snacks to ensure they have everything they need to start off on the right foot.
4. Implement a Buddy/ Mentor System
Remember when you were new to the company and hoped that you would have a supportive buddy who could guide you?
A buddy or mentor can guide newcomers through their first weeks in the new position to show them the ropes and help them to fully integrate into the workplace. Introducing a buddy or mentor system can help new colleagues feel supported while also gaining essential knowledge from seasoned team members.
5. Celebrate Milestones, Big and Small

Every milestone deserves to be celebrated, no matter how seemingly small. Whether it’s their first month at work or successful completion of probation, these seemingly small milestones are the stepping stones of one's journey in the workplace.
Consider organising a team lunch, offering a token of appreciation, or even writing a personalised note to celebrate these milestones. After all, the little things add up to make a big difference.
6. Introduce Them To Challenge as Their Guide to the Public Service
Whether your new colleague is a new or an old-time public officer, there’s always something new to learn about the Singapore Public Service.
Introduce your new colleague to Challenge as their guide. Here, they will find stories, tips, ideas, and more, to inspire and encourage them on their Public Service journey. For a start, familiarise them with the myriad of acronyms so they don’t find themselves swimming in alphabet soup!

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May 3, 2024
Yoganeetha Sivakumar
Nicholas Koh
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