Madam Chingay's Still Got It

“The word ‘retirement’ is not in my dictionary,” Mdm Lim Ah Yook tells Challenge, and it’s obvious why. The diminutive 75-year-old not only walks with a spring in her step, but also talks about her work with inspiring passion. The People’s Association Chingay specialist officially retired in 2004, but has been re-hired as a full-time staff every year since.
“My voice is loud… I’m an Ah Huay kind of person,” jokes the sprightly grandmother of three. Her “can-do” attitude and friendliness has stood her well in the Chingay Production Team since the parade’s inception in 1973. She handles various roles, including liaising with and providing support to the various grassroots organisations and performers involved in the annual parade.

She also reminisces about the time she found cars parked along the Chingay route because the team had forgotten to put up a sign. So, they had to get the tow truck in. “We just keep learning from experience, from the days when the public could touch the performers to now when we have crowd control,” she adds.
Mdm Lim does not remember how she first got the name “Madam Chingay”, but it stuck. She has since become a walking dictionary for all things Chingay – ask her about the first parade and she can even tell you the exact time it started (11am on February 4, 1973).

The meticulous officer carries with her a little notebook with details of the various years’ Chingay and their significance – “so I can reply quickly when anyone asks”; a 1973 black-and-white photo of her looking out of a PA truck; and a stack of old two-dollar notes featuring Chingay, clearly proud.
When asked what keeps her going, she turns just a wee bit serious. “Other countries parade to protest, but we parade to celebrate our diversity, our racial harmony… and I’m privileged to be part of it.”
Aug 2, 2017
Yvonne Cheong
Norman Ng
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