Making The Switch: From Balance Sheets To Blazing Fires

When Lieutenant (LTA) Tan Yi Zhong left his job as an auditor in the private sector to join the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), numbers took on a whole new meaning.
As an auditor, LTA Yi Zhong analysed account books and financial targets at one of the “big four” firms.
But on the firefighting frontlines, each minute makes a difference between life and death.
Today, LTA Yi Zhong, 29, is a Rota Commander at the SCDF. Apart from overseeing administrative matters of his Rota, he leads his men in training and on the ground.

Making the Switch
While working as an auditor, LTA Yi Zhong yearned for a career where he could contribute directly to the community.
When a colleague who had served in the SCDF for National Service described the “immense satisfaction” he got from his time there, LTA Yi Zhong began to dig deeper.
“As someone who greatly enjoys outdoor activities, this career piqued my interest,” he said.
After researching for two months on what it took to become a Fire and Rescue Officer, he decided to make the leap.

Overcoming Uncertainty
When LTA Yi Zhong shared the news of his career switch, it surprised his family and friends.
Many were curious about the motivations behind his decision to make such a significant switch. Nevertheless, they remained supportive and excited about his choice.
LTA Yi Zhong also had concerns that the transition from the private to the public sector might be too drastic a change. He would need to adapt to the regimentation and protocols of a uniformed organisation, along with the shift from a profit-driven environment to one focused on providing emergency services.
To become a Rota Commander, one has to undergo a residential Rota Commander Course (RCC). The seven-month-long course involves rigorous physical training and leadership classes.
Reflecting on his RCC experience, LTA Yi Zhong recalled training days that pushed his body to its limits, challenging him to push past physical barriers.
Beyond physical fitness, the RCC also placed significant importance on cultivating mental fortitude and resilience. The course helped him develop his ability to overcome mental obstacles and adapt to challenging situations.
However, to LTA Yi Zhong, having “personal motivation, passion and overall job satisfaction” held greater significance than any upheavals caused by the change.
His loved ones also encouraged him. With their support, he was able to embrace his career switch to the SCDF.

New Job, New Responsibilities
As a Rota Commander, LTA Yi Zhong bears the weight of being a leader.
At the fire station, he commands a Rota of more than 30 officers and leads them in training exercises. He also takes on important administrative tasks to ensure that the Rota runs smoothly.
When called to an incident, every second is crucial. LTA Yi Zhong assumes the role of an Incident Commander when activated for emergency incidents. He must then make critical decisions to lead the response effort.
Leading a team through challenging circumstances, such as rescuing trapped car accident victims in low visibility conditions, has taught him the importance of remaining composed in the face of adversity, he said.
These experiences also provided him with opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Said LTA Yi Zhong: “I found myself gaining a deeper level of understanding of my capabilities and potential.”
A Newfound Sense of Purpose
Now, after two years in the Service, LTA Yi Zhong has discovered a stronger sense of purpose in his work.
Reflecting on his career journey, he observes that his past and present roles have different objectives.
As an auditor, he pursued financial targets and business objectives on behalf of an organisation.
But as a Rota Commander, he is able to focus on directly helping the community and making a positive difference in other people’s lives.
“The sense of fulfilment is unparalleled,” he said.
Aug 31, 2023
Erin Liam
Lei Ng
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