#hearmeout: Zheng Qingyu, Land Transport Authority

Working in the Public Service – has definitely not been an easy journey. There have been a lot of ups and downs, such as when it comes to managing conflicts with colleagues because of different expectations at work. I wasn’t a relational person before I joined the Service, but now I have learnt that in every situation, it’s important to listen and try to understand the needs of the other person, instead of holding onto my own stubbornness. At times there isn’t an ideal solution, but there’s always a best solution for each situation when we learn to respect each other’s views. Also, sometimes the output is not what we expected though we work well together. But what’s important is not to let these setbacks discourage us. We need to keep persevering no matter how tough it gets.
– Zheng Qingyu, Executive Engineer, Land Transport Authority
Jan 22, 2014
Zheng Qingyu