#hearmeout: Katie Phon, Public Service Division

Getting fellow public officers to talk to one another more is how I describe my work to friends. They usually respond with: “Wah, your work sounds fun and easy.” Well, I’d agree with “fun” – my job involves much creativity and my department has a bunch of cool people – but it’s hardly “easy”! A simple test will tell: Look to the left page, find the word “Cube” and ask yourself how often you or your colleagues tap on the platform. While internal engagement has increased over the years, there’s still much to do to build a close-knit community that engages in quality conversations. The challenge is for officers to see the long-term value of such chats in generating better ideas, beyond just completing their everyday tasks. Nevertheless, having a team of passionate peers and leaders still makes this an awesome journey!
– Katie Phon, Senior Executive (Engagement & Publicity), PS21 Office, Public Service Division
Jan 5, 2015