#hearmeout: Audrey Cheong, Urban Redevelopment Authority

Whenever people hear I’m in the enforcement department, dealing with unauthorised structures and uses, they would exclaim, “So exciting! Have you banged down any doors?” After six months on the job, the only thing I’ve banged is my head against the table, at seeing the mountain of feedback and appeals. It is a fine balance, juggling the sensitivities and circumstances of parties involved. There are many types of cases and we have to communicate with people from all walks of life. I have a Post-it on my monitor with “subletting” and “tenancy agreements” translated in four other languages. It can be difficult saying no, but rules are rules, and sometimes, the best way to get people to come around is to remind them to do unto others as you’d have them do unto you (something oftforgotten in the cosmopolitan rush).
– Audrey Cheong, Planner, Development Control, Urban Redevelopment Authority
Mar 19, 2015