#hearmeout: Jacqueline Wong, Ministry of Transport

"My work is not as boring as my friends think. Of course, they are the creative sorts – mostly copywriters working in trendy areas like Ann Siang Hill. So while I am quite happy in my (fairly large) cubicle overlooking the sea, I find it difficult to tell them that I work in the Ministry of Transport, because typical reactions include, “WAH THE MRT AH…”, “Eh, why is the COE…”, and “Can help me get out of summon or not?” I’ve come up with a few techniques in response: distraction (“OMG, COCKROACH!”), deflection (“I don’t want to talk about work”), and my personal favourite (“I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you”). So, most of my friends assume that I am having fun in some happening PR firm, when I’m actually quite content reading reports on public transport."
– Jacqueline Wong, Corporate Communications Executive, Ministry of Transport
Mar 7, 2014
Jacqueline Wong
“Odd” Jobs? Even Better!