#hearmeout: Farah Faudzi, Building And Construction Authority

I think we all have a love-hate relationship with our built environment, from snapping selfies with the latest iconic building to complaining about the noise and dust from construction sites (which ironically, may eventually become the next iconic building to take a selfie with). Yet, behind all the buildings we see are the unsung heroes, or what The Lego Movie would call the “Master Builders”: the architects, engineers, project managers, contractors — the list goes on. It is therefore an honour for me to serve this humble yet significant industry in Singapore, and to elevate it to the next level, or in my case, globally! I help Singapore’s construction companies venture overseas while profiling Singapore’s built environment capabilities internationally. Through this, I hope to unlock the potential of Singapore’s “Master Builders” beyond our shores, to shape the physical landscape globally.
– Farah Faudzi, Country Manager, International Development Group, Building and Construction Authority
Mar 10, 2016