Trivia Quiz

Two e-gift cards worth $20 each from BooksActually to be won!

Submit your answers by Sept 30, 2020.

Winners of this Trivia Quiz will be published online.

Submit your answers by Sept 30, 2020


1. Which of the below statements about SCDF’s Emergency Behavioural Sciences and Care unit (EBSC) is incorrect?
2. Which of the below activities was not shared in the 'Rediscover Singapore’s Hidden Gems: Exciting Destinations For The Local Tourist' article?
3. The Savvy App User for SafeEntry access can be described as:

Personal Details

Congratulations to these lucky winners for October Trivia Quizzes!

Prizes: $20 worth of Grab e-gift cards each.

    1. 22 Oct 2020 Trivia Quiz winners
      1. Feliz Ong [GOVTECH]
      2. Razzieya Begum [CPFB]

Congratulations to these lucky winners for November Trivia Quizzes!

Prizes: $20 worth of Grab e-gift cards each.

    1. 5 Nov 2020 Trivia Quiz winners
      1. Reena Shukla [MOE]
      2. Kenny Tan Yi Ann [PUB]
    Sep 15, 2020
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