Will You Respond to Your Boss's SMS or Phone Calls After Office Hours?

Winning Entry - Mdm Jeannie Chan (MND)
Not anymore! Before I was the ‘nice guy’ saying ‘Yes’ to my boss; this meant responding to his calls and SMSes after working hours. He would pile me with additional workload and I found myself preparing reports throughout the evening! My time with my family was affected. I made a brave decision to turn off my phone. After several failed attempts to reach me, my boss met me to find out why. I trashed out my problems with him and he finally understood! These days, he doesn’t call or SMS me anymore after work. I’m glad I made this decision. It’s a tough one but I never regretted it. In life, we just have to be frank about everything, no point saying Yes to everything but end up hurting ourselves!
Bravo to Mdm Jeannie Chan who wins a holiday hamper, worth up to $100, which she can savour with her family!
No Way...
If I’m on MC or holiday while everybody is working (hehehe...) I DO NOT reply my SMSes because it’s my private time and nobody should disturb me.
Loo Lee Eng, Attorney-General’s Chambers
Of Course!
If there is an upcoming major event, it is fine as we need to settle matters urgently. But after 11pm, my boss would need to engage the services of Leonardo DiCaprio’s Inception team to find me. But do get the architect to create a nice world of liveable cities (and bring that Inception totem too).
Liew Wen Hwee, Centre for Liveable Cities
A resounding YES as my boss’s work requires him to work 24/7 and hence be contactable 24/7 too.
Some time ago, he was accidentally locked out and he called me to return to the office to open the door for him.
Patricia Ng Poh Toye, Attorney-General’s Chambers
Yes, because he is the one who pays me monthly and punctually. (:
Erika Hew, HCIBS
Definitely, because my boss may just be testing if I am upholding our service standards! As a Quality Sevice Manager of SPRING, that’s my role and responsibility. I know that my boss wouldn’t SMS or call if it is not important.
Chew Mok Lee, SPRING
Yes as I can then have a good reason to call my boss again after office hours to seek clarifications and report to him on further developments. If this occurs once in a while, it’s quite acceptable.
But if this happens regularly, I might discuss with my boss on the hours he can call, say from 6- 10pm, so that my next day’s productivity is not affected.
Liang Hein Fock, ICA
I’ll respond after I’ve let my boss know that I’m having quality time with my family and that I’ll act on the queries at a convenient time.
Chow Meng Yoon, MOE
I’ll respond as my Operation Manager has a lot of things to do. Some schools have two OMs but our school only has one. He is a very busy man, he needs help that’s why I answer his calls.
Shariffa Mohamed, MOE
If you could be anybody for a day on New Year’s Day 2011, who would you be and what would you do?
Tell us at: psd_challenge@psd.gov.sg
The best entry will win an attractive prize worth up to $100! All other published entries will win shopping vouchers worth $30 each. Please include your name, email address, agency and contact number. All entries should reach us by November 27, 2010.
Nov 4, 2010