The Bucket List
Winning Entry: Geraldine Tan, ICA
- Go on a world tour with my husband and baby daughter, taking as many photos as possible
- Make a list of my assets for them
- Learn to cook for them
- Make a will to distribute assets among family
- Try not to cry on my last day
I thought I could list the top five things in a breeze but while doing so, I felt sadness thinking what if 2012 was really my last year. There’re tons of things I’ve yet to experience such as seeing my daughter talk… So I’ll continue to live life like my last year so there’ll be no regrets! “Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory” – Author unknown
Thank you Geraldine for sharing your thoughts with us. We’re sending you a Sony Digital Photo Frame so you can store and display pictures of your family starting now. Seize the day!
- Tie up loose ends at work so colleagues won’t suffer from the backlog
- Go to places my family wants to visit
- Meet friends and do what we’ve always wanted to do, and more
- Compile a list of people who’ve made an impact in my life and reflect on how I might have impacted their lives
- Commit time and money to a charitable cause
Goh Koon Guan Simon, PSD
- Visit Michael Jackson’s grave with a childhood friend to do the moon walk (we used to be really crazy about him)
- Sit on the top of a moving train in India
- Join a binge-eating competition
- Visit Google HQ and loudly declare how awesome the iPhone is
- Take my parents to Universal Studios
Tan Chee Yong, SCDF
- Write a book. I’ve had friends and loved ones who left this world without bidding goodbye. I’d planned to write letters to those who’ve played a role in my life but I might not reach everybody. So I’ll compile the letters into a book and distribute it while I’m alive. I would want to thank them personally before I go!
- See the aurora borealis or northern lights
- Stay in an ice hotel in Sweden
- Do the Matthew Harding dance around the world (Find him on YouTube!)
- Participate in country festivals such as the Water Festival in Thailand or Burning Man in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada
Chau Yan Ting Doreen, Vital
Next, on Your Say...
Office Superheroes
Have you ever been rescued by a support staff member at work? Snap a picture of this Office Superhero and tell us briefly how he or she saved the day!
Email us at:
The best entry will win an attractive prize worth up to $100! All other published entries will win shopping vouchers worth $30 each. Please include your name, agency email address, agency and contact number. All entries should reach us by March 27, 2011.
Mar 13, 2012