Memorable Moments with Family

Sofia Leong,
People’s Association
My mum had never run in her life. Whenever I asked her to go walk or jog, she would have 101 reasons. I encouraged her by signing her up for races and going with her, and even buying her running shoes. One day, we took her to MacRitchie Reservoir to run the trails. The rocks and gravel took a lot out of her but her confidence grew. Eventually we signed her up for a 21km race. Fancy a 65-year-old lady who had only started to run at a very old age, running a half marathon. She finally finished the distance. It was not the best time as you probably would expect, but she definitely wasn’t the last. It is not the marathon that matters, but the satisfaction of “Yes, I have done it!” and the grin on her face that showed it all. Today she says she cannot miss a day without jogging. The family support that goes along the way... goes a long way.
Congratulations Sofia! We’re sending a $100 sports voucher for you to get some running gear for you and your mom. We hope the family continues to exercise and grow in health together!
Tay Li Shing,
We didn’t have much growing up. One of the things I remember about my childhood is the times my dad brought an arctic roll back. In those days, getting a log of arctic roll (ice cream rolled up in a sponge cake) to share with the family was a treat, and my brother and I looked forward to it very much. I also remember fondly going to the movies. Dad only took us to the movies whenever there was James Bond showing, so you can imagine how “frequent” those trips were. Looking back, I realise that it’s the little things we did as a family that are the most memorable.
Shiuan Koh,
My mother was a part-time domestic helper when I was growing up. I remember the evenings when she would bring home monies found in the washing machines of her foreign employers, as well as broken ornaments/glasses wrapped in newspapers (!). Being illiterate, she needed help to write notes to accompany the return of the monies, as well as offer to pay back damaged goods. These fond memories have stuck with me till this day, for it was through these moments that I learnt the value of integrity, as exemplified by my mother, whom I greatly respect and admire.
Soh Ting Ting,
Last year, when my boy was still in K2, I told him I was running a high fever, and that after sending him to the childcare centre, I would go to the doctor’s. To my surprise, my boy said: “Mummy... I will stay at home to take care of you.” I was touched and of course, I agreed. After taking my medication, I rested while my boy played with his iPad and watched TV. Occasionally, he would come into the room and ask, “Mummy, you feeling better?” When I asked him to take a nap, he replied, “No... if I sleep, I cannot hear you if you need me.” When I left my bedroom, I was surprised to see that the play corner and living room were so neat and tidy. My boy had tidied up the house while I was resting, at the same time taking constant and gentle care of his mummy.
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Mar 7, 2014
“Odd” Jobs? Even Better!