If You Could be Anybody for a Day on New Year's Day 2011, Who Would You Be and What Would You Do?
Editor’s note: Wow, more than 100 of you shared your wishes with us! We’re sorry we couldn’t print all of them but there’re more entries online – there were officers who wished they could be Mozart, Lady Gaga and even one’s mother-in-law! – so check out www.psd.gov.sg/challenge for more.
Winning Entry - Lina Nasreen Chowdhury (SCDF)
I’d like to be Multiple Man from X-Men and send my ‘copies’ to the 24 time zones around the world to experience the New Year for each time zone. Once my copies combine back with me, I’d have the memory of ushering 2011, 24 times for the rest of my life!
Congrats Lina! We’re sending you a $100 dining voucher for Melt – The World Cafe at Mandarin Oriental so you can savour world cuisine without leaving Singapore. Bring a clone along.

I would like to be Oprah Winfrey and use her influence to create awareness for youth offenders. I’ve seen many female youth offenders who are inhalant abusers return back to prison within months. I’d also raise awareness on AIDS prevention and care.
Ms Shalinny Deavy, Singapore Prison Service
Tinkerbell (: I’d go on a magical tour of the world on wings, visit orphans and give them the joy of flying with a tap of my wand. With their help, I’d drop food and medical supplies to the destitute. And also treasure the experience of feeling light and petite (which exists only in my dreams...)
Ng Geok Meng, Subordinate Courts
I would want to be my late grandfather and tell my aunty that I love her and what a great daughter she has been. =)
Joyce Tay, CAAS
Paris Hilton! I want to know what it’s like to have a bad reputation and be a hottie too – decked in bling bling and branded apparel, with Chihuahua in tow, and guys going gaga over me! She’s a party animal so I’ll get to experience that too! After all, it’s just one day in 2011 yea? I think my hubby wouldn’t mind… :p
Grace Leow, MOE
Being very out of shape, I wouldn’t mind being a gold medallist swimmer like Tao Li for one day. I would show off her prowess and leave the ordinary folk trailing behind me. Hehe.
Celestine Lim, IDA
I’d like to be Warren Buffett, the world’s third richest person. I’d travel to Haiti and help the people as much as I can by donating funds to rebuild the infrastructure, and also bring in medical professionals and supplies, and other urgent necessities to improve their lives.
Sam Yew, Vital.Org
I’d be Kim Jong-Il and make peace with South Korea, stop all illegal pre-war operations and make plans to convert the DMZ into a nature reserve. (This isn’t a joke, I am serious.)
Noel Ngo, NEA
I’d love to be the late Princess of Wales, Lady Diana and continue her charitable work and make her dream of world peace a reality.
Rinda Kullar, SPF
I’d like to be Avi Steinberg, author of Running the Books: The Adventures of an Accidental Prison Librarian. I’d share the message that the strength of your conviction can see you through your dreams. I’d also work with inmates to share the transformative power of books; that they can learn from their mistakes, mend their ways and create opportunities for self-improvement.
Ivan Ang, Anderson Junior College
I’d be the General Secretary of United Nations. I’d invite and convince all important leaders of countries, religious groups, celebrities, sport stars, head of all organisations to start doing our part for green, sustainable environment and give up violence. We should walk the talk right now!
William Yen, Ministry of Finance – Singapore Customs
It’d be great if I could take over the 'Master Chef De Partie' in Swissotel Merchant Court! I would take over the baking of its Signature Durian Puffs! I will use this golden chance to promote my baking skills and in time to come, customers will come knocking on my door for more! I love my job but baking is my passion!
Jeremy Lor, IRAS
I’d like to be my mother-in-law so I can understand how she raised my wonderful wife! Of course I’d like to know what she thinks or expects of me. I would also like to spend time with everyone in the family (because with her presence, she makes the people around her happy).
Mohamed Ashiq, MOE
I’d like to be Mother Theresa – to walk in her footsteps and bathe in her kindness and simplicity for life. I would open my arms to the destitute, the lonely, the helpless in society and extend GOD's love to them as Mother Theresa had in the way she cared for them in her simple and humble ways.
Mdm Joyce Kang, Queenstown Primary School
Can I be a baby for a day? All of us are too caught up in the world and we often forget to take a step back to look at things and appreciate them rather than take things for granted. A baby is so simple and innocent. Most importantly a baby can actually control adults, making them so busy and can even make the most unfeeling adult go “awww”.
Jessica Lim, MOF
I would like to be Ronald McDonald as my two young kids love to go McDonald's for breakfast. (:
Agnes Chin Mei Ling, IPOS
I will be the famous Lady Gaga who will encourage people to dress up on New Year’s Day as a way of expressing themselves like they always wanted.
Siti Harja, Customs
P Ramlee. I would like to entertain the kids from poor family background.
Selamat Jumadi, SPF
I would want to be Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Because he died at such a young age, I would like to continue where he left off. With his immense talent in composing classical music, I would compose beautiful pieces like water gushing out of a fountain. I would compose several pieces at lightning speed in a day, pass it to my agent, who would contact the major broadcasting studios and, in next to no time, share the music with the rest of the world!
Sereena J Osman, JTC
I will want to be Sir Ken Robinson and speak to school leaders, educators and parents to teach them the importance of recognising each child for the talents they have, instead of penalising them for those they do not possess.
James Long, North View Primary School
I want to be Victoria from Spice Girls. I will spend my entire day with Beckham at their huge house.
Herawati Bte Said, Subordinate Court
I wish to be the talented Michael Jackson and sing, dance and entertain the audience on New Year’s Day 2011. The concert’s proceeds will go to orphanages for children who did not have a choice to be in this world and were abandoned by their biological parents.
Annie Choy, NEA
I want to be Romeo Montague, from William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The only reason is to be loved the way Romeo was loved by Juliet Capulet, that led him to end his life for love.
Raghunathan s/o Sivadas, Customs (SCEB)
I’d want to be my 19-year-old daughter and get to know what goes on in her mind and what makes her tick. I would go to places she would go to on New Year's Day, get to know her friends, and understand why teenagers want to celebrate New Year’s with friends more than their families. We would have great fun, without feeling tired and only come home after all the partying. I would then understand and appreciate her more, and be grateful that youth comes but once. I would then be a better parent too.
Janet Lee, CPF Board
What is your most memorable (best or worst) customer service encounter ever?
Tell us at:
The best entry will win an attractive prize worth up to $100! All other published entries will win shopping vouchers worth $30 each. Please include your name, email address, agency and contact number. All entries should reach us by January 27, 2011.
Jan 18, 2011
Your Say
Your Say: What Job Would You Choose?