National Awards (COVID-19)

State Awards to Recognise Contributions Towards Singapore’s Fight Against COVID-19
In late 2019, a novel coronavirus began spreading around the globe. Within weeks, in January 2020, Singapore saw our first case. No one imagined the scale of disruption this virus would cause the world.
COVID-19 was the crisis of a generation. It disrupted the way we lived, worked and interacted. For over two years we fought the virus as one united people.
We introduced safe management measures such as safe distancing and mask-wearing. We restricted access to workplaces, dormitories, schools and community spaces. We set up new facilities and processes, like Government Quarantine Facilities, Community Care Facilities and Stay- Home Notices.
In this grim period, our people opened their hearts to one another and rallied to the fight. Friends, neighbours and strangers alike demonstrated generosity and care. People reached out to seniors, provided food and essentials to those quarantined, and sewed masks for the community.
In many countries, hospitals became overwhelmed, and social and economic activities ground to a halt. In Singapore, our healthcare workers fought valiantly against the virus, working under tremendous stress, and putting patients’ well-being before their own. Though wearied by the long struggle, they did not waver in performing their duties, and caring for those in their charge.
In ministries, agencies, and private companies, officers and staff worked day and night. They manned air and sea ports to keep Singapore safely connected to the world. They brought home safely Singaporeans who were stuck overseas. They scrambled to secure urgently needed essential supplies and medical devices. When COVID-19 clusters emerged in the dormitories, they responded comprehensively to contain the spread, set up medical and triage facilities to protect the health of the migrant workers, and saw to their needs and welfare.
Contact tracers, swabbers and home recovery coordinators, together with essential service workers, accepted personal risks to keep our community safe. Safe distancing ambassadors ensured adherence to safe management measures. Scientists and researchers worked flat out to understand the virus, develop tests, vaccines and treatments, and provide data to inform public health policies. Teachers and staff developed materials for home-based learning, and after the Circuit Breaker reopened schools to let students continue learning as normally as possible.
COVID-19 severely impacted the economy. Jobs and livelihoods were on the line. Agencies worked together to roll out multiple rounds of support measures, first to save jobs and corporate capabilities across the board, and later to protect sectors hard hit by tightened safe management measures.
Singapore started taking delivery of COVID-19 vaccines from December 2020. We were the first country in Asia to do so. We quickly set up vaccination centres across the island. Our people responded overwhelmingly to the call to get vaccinated. Singapore achieved one of the highest vaccination and boosting rates in the world. This gave us crucial protection from severe illness, safeguarded our healthcare capacity and enabled us to re-open our society progressively, safely and without delay.
Singapore’s community, businesses, and Government came together to overcome the crisis and emerge stronger. These State Awards honour those who have done their duty and more to fight COVID-19. Through them, we also pay tribute to the thousands more whose contributions and sacrifices saw us through the pandemic.
They are the heroes of our fight against COVID-19. They have shown grit, courage and public spirit, and they make us all proud to be Singaporeans.
Read Their Stories Here:

Medal of Valour (COVID-19)
The Medal of Valour is awarded to personnel at the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19, who displayed exemplary leadership and courage in circumstances of personal danger.
With their outstanding acts of bravery and unwavering commitment to their work despite the uncertainty, stress and risk to their lives, these individuals are an inspiration to all.
Read more: Scoot crew and medical personnel
The President’s Certificate of Commendation (COVID-19)
The President’s Certificate of Commendation is awarded to organisations and teams that made exceptional efforts which had a significant impact during the pandemic.
Both Government agencies and private organisations played critical roles in this demanding campaign. They went above and beyond what was expected of them in contributing expertise and resources, so that we could mount the strongest possible national response to COVID-19.
Read more: SPH Media Trust and Team Nila (SportSG) (Mandarin)
Read more: Malay/Muslim COVID-19 Workgroup and SGTeguhBersatu Task Force (Malay)
Browse the full list of National Awards (COVID-19) recipients here.