#hearmeout: Carolyn Chia, CPF Board

My official job designation is quite a mouthful: Manager at the Capability and Organisation Development department, under the Human Capital Management Division, CPF Board. Given that I am a volatile person averse to boredom, there needs to be something unusual about my job to keep me engaged. What I really appreciate is having the luxury of incorporating my favourite pastime, drawing and illustrating, into the process of project ideation and conceptualisation. While the bulk of my time is spent on project management for heavier items like the intranet revamp, engagement communications and change management projects, I am really happy that I can dabble in creative stuff, thanks to supportive bosses (including my direct supervisor all the way up to the Chief Executive). So when my friends ask me what I do, I proudly flash my staff pass at them, with a grin.
– Carolyn Chia, Manager, Central Provident Fund Board
Jul 2, 2014
Carolyn Chia