Your Say: How Will You Live 2013?

Vimalathacheni d/o R Gopalan,
“Look at life through the windshield, not the rear-view mirror.” This quote best describes my experiences in 2012 and goals for 2013. Despite going through the passing on of a sibling and other challenging situations, 2012 was a blessed year for me. It taught me one important value in life – life is fragile; never take things for granted. I am looking through the “windshield mirror” at 2013! I have started going for walks – I want to make sure I keep a healthy lifestyle. I need to complete my 10 Workforce Skills Qualifications modules by year-end. It has been many years since I last travelled and I would like to do so this year.
Congratulations Vimalathacheni! Thanks for inspiring us with your story. Enjoy life in one of Singapore’s most beautiful spaces with a one-year adult pass to Gardens By The Bay and tickets to its attractions worth $93!
Nirmala d/o Narayanasamy,
My wish for 2013 is for all mankind to care for animals and nature as much as they care for themselves and their families. Mahatma Gandhi said, “A country or civilisation can be judged by the way it treats its animals.” If all governments care for animals and nature as much as they care for their country’s economy, the world will be a wonderful place to live in.
Wong Pei Shi,
Take on a new sport
Hug my kids daily
Always be contented
Never lose hope
Keep on learning
Find 12 good books and read them
Use my resources wisely
Live my everyday to the fullest!
Daren Tan,
Goal No. 1: Realisation. Realising a new strength within me, ranging from attaining professional qualifications to music/sport/arts competency.
Goal No. 2: Personal Grooming. Discovering a whole new fashion sense for the new year.
Jackson Neo,
Seth Godin, author and marketing guru, once said: “Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.” (It's another way of saying: “I used up all my leave from 2012.”)
From the editor:
Dear readers,
On 8 March, Challenge magazine sent an email inviting public officers to contribute ideas related to our population challenge. Since then, many of you have contributed good ideas on how we can have a high quality living environment, and we are heartened by your desire to help make Singapore better.
At Challenge, we have been informing you of new ideas and concepts on the way we work, in order that we may serve our fellow Singaporeans well. Unfortunately, we have fallen short in practising what we preach – several of you have given feedback that the question was not framed in the correct way, and the choice of words was inappropriate. We had a relook and we agree. Hence, we would like to retract the earlier email (knowing full well that we can’t actually do so!), and we sincerely apologise to you, our readers. At Challenge, we do make mistakes too!
Our country faces a serious population challenge, and as public officers, we have an important role to play. As such, we would like to invite you to still contribute ideas on how we can continue to be a cohesive people and have a high quality living environment for Singaporeans to enjoy. Keep your views coming in at as we welcome all your views!
Mar 7, 2013