What We Want 2022 To Look Like

Winning Entry
In 2021, there were things within my control and things that could have been better. Seeing these gaps, I have these goals for my family, friends and future.
For family: I would like to make more conscious efforts to plan outings while my parents are still mobile and before I start a family. We can definitely be more intentional with bonding, as life is not all about work and making a living. It’s about creating memories.
For friends: I would like to be a person who takes the initiative to check in with others, since I have benefited from others checking in on me.
For my future self, I strive to show more acts of love, and continue to stay active!
Finally, I dream that COVID-19 will fade away. I dream that our healthcare workers can have more time to breathe in the fresh air of our garden city, mask-free; to care for their own wellbeing; to be with their family and loved ones. After the long battles they've had, it's time they had some respite!
Geraldine Oh, A*STAR
Thank you for sharing your entry, Geraldine. You win Klook vouchers worth $100 to create some great memories with your friends and family!
Other Winning Entries

2021 has been tough – for yet another year, our personal and professional lives have been tossed about by the storm that is COVID-19. Many of us are still finding our bearings. And yet we find strength and hope in the smallest of things: a simple call, an IM, an email from a work friend – “how's your day?”, “hope you're ok” – keeps us pushing through the toughest of days.
In 2022, I hope that I can continue to keep the camaraderie that I've found. Once, while working from home, my twin children started fighting. I was heartened that my colleagues, instead of being annoyed, understood the difficulties of working from home with young children marooned by school closures. They gave me time to dispense justice and instil peace. I also hope that we manage to regain some sort of stability. I miss seeing my friends and colleagues face to face and having meals with them to bond further.
That’s the 2022 I hope for – that we can all make it through another year safe and sound!
Taryn Yap, NParks

How do I envision my 2022 to be? During this period of uncertainties, I do not ask for much but the ability to survive and overcome whatever challenges lie ahead. Just like this wildflower, which grows out of nowhere through the cracks of pavement. It can adapt itself well and be its unique self. My wish for 2022 is to be able to embrace what’s coming ahead and adapt well.
Yvonne Ng, MOE
COVID-19 taught me to be more appreciative and content. Working hard just for the sake of rank and promotion seems unhealthy. I realised that this race will never end. Therefore, I envision a healthy and enjoyable work culture at the workplace.
On my end, I will start by affirming every little good thing done by my colleagues, cleaner uncles and aunties, and even our collaborating partners. This will lift their morale, especially when they are feeling down. I believe this affirmation could create a ripple effect in other people's lives and help to spread the virus of positivity.
Mohan Raj Thirmoorthy, SPS

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My goal is to build up my health. I received a second chance to live after facing death due to illness since late 2020.
2021 has been a year of forced slow-downs, a year of reflection and a year of deep gratitude. 2022 will be a year of healing and transformation. I will be building up my mental and emotional health; being present for my family, my friends and colleagues; and having an even stronger passion for health and wellbeing.
At work, I’ve used sport as a strategy to help people live better and celebrate living through active health. My goal is to continue contributing in the space of preventive health, be it as a health and wellbeing coach for my colleagues, an advocate for preventive health in my volunteer work, an effective Whole-of-Government wellness ambassador, or simply offering myself to someone who needs a listening ear or a hug. I will need to “self-heal and self-care” before I can spread love to others.
Ung Bee Koon, Sport Singapore
If I knew we’d have another year like 2021, I’d be OK with that because I could plan for it. But it’s the uncertainty of the year ahead that I find difficult.
In 2021, one thing I learnt due to COVID-19 and staying at home is that to create memories, you have to actually do something. When you don’t do anything, you don’t remember anything. Staying at home, we quickly settled into a strange and monotonous routine where every day was exactly the same. Sunday melted into Monday and quickly became Tuesday, and then it was Saturday and… where did half the week go? It scares me because life is so short and so precious. I’d hate to think that I wasted a whole year not doing anything worth remembering.
Following this, my main goal for 2022 is to make sure I have fun and memorable weekly activities. A day out, a mini-adventure, a hike or just something exciting at home. I’m also dreaming of travelling to and having road trips around Europe during the summer holidays!
Lian Yingsheng, SCDF

How has your perspective about your career changed amid COVID-19?
Share your thoughts in about 250 words, and send your entry to psd_challenge@psd.gov.sg
The most thought-provoking or creative entry will receive a prize worth $100. All other entries published will win vouchers worth $30 each. Entries may be edited. Please include your name, agency email address, agency and contact number.
All entries should reach us by February 9, 2022.
Jan 18, 2022
Lei Ng
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