What Social Cause Are You Most Passionate About?

What social issues should we care more about? Challenge invites public officers to share a social cause they feel strongly about.
What social issues should we care more about?

Winning Entry:

Soo Ying Zhou, Ministry of Health

As a pharmacist by training, I am passionate about improving the health literacy of seniors. I believe the key to supporting seniors in ageing gracefully is by empowering them to take charge of their health. I envision every senior being equipped with the relevant knowledge for their health condition(s), so that they can make better decisions for their health.

It is my privilege to be able to contribute towards this social cause in my work. Under the National Pharmacy Strategy, my team works on developing the “Know Your Meds” series, a collection of infographics and videos to educate seniors and caregivers on basic medication management skills.

With the National Medication Information Workgroup, we also develop medication information leaflets, which are published on HealthHub. These offer trusted, localised medication information to the public.

I am heartened by the positive response thus far, as it demonstrates a commitment towards improving health literacy and achieving better health. Being able to contribute to improving seniors’ health literacy and be part of their healthcare journey gives me immense satisfaction. This is what drives me every day.

Thank you for sharing your entry, Ying Zhou! You win $100 worth of FairPrice vouchers for your care for others.

Other Winning Entries:

Liu Huaiwen, Ministry of Health

I am passionate about social equity. I volunteer regularly with KidStart [a programme supporting children from low-income families], as I believe that a good start in life lays the building blocks for a child’s future success.

Many families are caught in a vicious poverty cycle. They may not have the means or opportunities to help their children achieve their fullest potential. I believe that early intervention with education (literacy and numeracy), providing adequate nutrition (for physical developmental milestones), as well as looking after the overall wellbeing of children and their caregivers are important enablers for uplifting those in need.

I envision a society that is more caring and inclusive. We live in a rather harsh world, so let’s leave no one behind.

Pay more attention to causes that help the elderly and their caregivers.

Lim Wee Teng June, Ministry of Education

As the elderly population grows in Singapore, I pay more attention to causes that help the elderly and their caregivers. Recently, I read a comment from a geriatric healthcare worker who said: “If it takes a village to raise a child, then what more to take care of an elderly person who has more complex needs?”

This really got me thinking. With an ageing population, families with seniors might quickly experience burnout.

I feel we should start educating students on how they can help at home, in a manner that preserves the dignity of their seniors. This can be done by teaching youths practical steps on how to care for their grandparents. Let’s start them young with age-appropriate chores so that they grow up knowing that caring for the aged is a natural way to show love and respect for seniors among us.

Lee Ning Jiang, Nanyang Polytechnic

I believe in the need for more social awareness about mental health. Singaporeans have access to a variety of support services and tools to receive the necessary help. However, due to the stigma of mental health being detrimental to one’s career or social status, many may choose not to share about their struggles and instead suffer in silence.

An important message for the public is that people who seek help are not weak. Instead, they are courageous as they acknowledge their struggles and are making an intentional effort to recover.

Fernandez Alex Joseph, Land Transport Authority

I am most passionate about racial and religious harmony. As a minority, I am grateful to live in a country that emphasises this. Yet, despite the great achievements made, we should not be complacent and must continue to find ways to preserve Singapore's hard-earned racial and religious harmony.

I am passionate about this because of the consequences should disharmony arise. Nobody wants to see history repeat itself. My hope is that Singaporeans are willing to step out of their comfort zones to learn about others who are different from them.

I particularly enjoyed playing the game “To Be You”, funded by the Ministry of Community, Culture and Youth. This interactive game dives into the everyday challenges faced by Singaporeans from different walks of life, which makes it relatable and thought-provoking.

Such initiatives familiarise Singaporeans with the challenges that their fellow citizens face, which helps to overcome prejudices. After all, Singapore’s diversity should be a source of strength, not a weakness that can be exploited.

What was your biggest or most embarrassing blunder as a new public officer and how did you bounce back from it?

What was your biggest or most embarrassing blunder as a new public officer and how did you bounce back from it?

Send your entry to psd_challenge@psd.gov.sg

The most creative entry will receive a prize worth $100.

All other entries published will win vouchers worth $30 each. Entries may be edited. Please include your name, agency email address, agency and contact number.

All entries should reach us by 26 May, 2023.

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    May 2, 2023
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