If We Got Rid Of The Work We Dread The Most…

Public officers imagine how they would spend the time saved if they automated tedious and mundane tasks.
What work do you dread the most? If you could get rid of it, what would you use the saved time and energy to pursue?

Winning Entry

The access rights review of IT systems involves checking the staff movement list each month and removing the permissions of these staff from each system. I wish this task could be automated so that staff are automatically removed based on their movements.

I could use the three manpower hours saved per month to learn how to use Pixton. It is a digitalisation tool that would help our departments create fun, entertaining comics to explain complex policies and guidelines to users. For example, policies and procedures relating to Finance, Procurement, IT System security (such as IM8) and Records Management (IM4L) can be quite overwhelming to general users.

Comics created with Pixton can shed light on common misunderstandings and prevent the monotony of reading pages and pages of text. Instead, users enjoy visual, colourful portrayals of characters explaining policies. Hopefully, this can stoke users’ interest to read up on these policies and guidelines.

Koh Sock Pheng, Temasek Polytechnic

Thank you for sharing your entry, Sock Pheng. You win a $100 Best Denki gift card to kickstart your digital journey!

Other Winning Entries

Scheduling individual meetings with more than 20 schools was an administrative chore. The time would have been better spent on tasks such as preparing facilitation notes for the meeting and analysing data from the engagements.

Last year, our team used Calendly and it was a breeze! It allowed schools to book specific timeslots, and change their schedules based on the available slots left. There was also an automatic email reminder from Calendly. The smart app freed us up to spend time on the real work that adds value.

Melissa Choo, MOE

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Data entry and e-filing. While these tasks are necessary to keep the Public Service accountable, they take up too much time and do not develop the officer’s creative, problem-solving and communication skills. Input and documents submitted by the public could be "auto-archived" in a common government cloud service that is secure, user-friendly, and allows for easy retrieval and sharing of data with other government agencies.

Officers can save time on e-filing and use the extra hours to build rapport with the public, understand their issues and work with other government agencies to develop holistic solutions to their problems. The human touch is becoming more important in a digitised world.

Alan Ong, SFA

A Tip on How To Recycle Right:

Plastic Tactics
bloobin smiling

Most plastic material can be recycled, including beverage bottles, shampoo bottles and bubble wrap, as long as it is clean and not contaminated with food or liquid waste. Non-recyclable plastic items include Styrofoam (polystyrene foam), packaging with foil, disposable cutlery, drinking straws, and expired credit cards. For more information, visit cgs.gov.sg/recycleright

The work I dread most is having to find documents in a repository and plough through the folders only to discover after some time that the information required cannot be found.

If I could get rid of this situation, I would spend the energy and time savings to have a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) with a library framework application. This will guide users on how to categorise information when uploading it into folders and how to retrieve the relevant information for download.

This would be especially useful to HQ MOE users whose stints are usually three years. Even with staff movement, the library framework would facilitate the categorising of information such that it takes less time to learn how to navigate the system and search for information.

This RPA process would also include data guidelines and automation for archival, storage and disposal of outdated data. This would greatly reduce the time and manual labour to organise folders, archive, store and dispose of old data.

Judy Ng, MOE

What are some of the best or most enjoyable work practices you’ve encountered in your agency or previous company?

What are some of the best or most enjoyable work practices you’ve encountered in your agency or previous company? (Share the goodness!)

Send your entry to psd_challenge@psd.gov.sg

The most creative entry will receive a prize worth $100. All other entries published will win vouchers worth $30 each. Entries may be edited for length and clarity. Please include your name, agency email address, agency and contact number.

All entries should reach us by September 20, 2022.

    Aug 15, 2022
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