Terms To Know: Singapore Budget And Public Service

Focusing on Singapore’s recovery after COVID-19 and building on the Singapore Together (SG Together) initiative, the 2021 Singapore Budget has the theme of Emerging Stronger. Several taskforces and collective efforts also carry the name.
EST: Emerging Stronger Taskforce
The Taskforce was formed to examine the impact of COVID-19 on Singapore’s economy, businesses and workers.
Chaired by Minister Desmond Lee and PSA International Group CEO Tan Chong Meng, it will provide recommendations to the Future Economy Council on how Singapore can stay resilient and create new sources of growth moving forward.
ESC: Emerging Stronger Conversations
These are community-led and national conversations that began in 2020 to spark ideas on how Singapore can recover from the COVID-19 crisis. Its 15 themes range from governance and shared national values to social support, health and wellbeing, and the environment.
Read more about what you can do to participate and turn conversation into action.
AfA: Alliances for Action
The Alliances for Action are industry-led partnerships between industry players and the government that will act on key growth areas for Singapore, such as education technology, smart commerce and robotics. These groups will explore, prototype and quickly execute ideas in these growth areas over sprints of several months.
Topics that first began as ESCs, such as work-life harmony, now have AfAs formed to generate action and prototypes from the ideas shared.
There are now 16 AfAs, with five new groups created after the ESCs that will focus on:
- Work-life harmony
- Enhancing online learning opportunities
- Building a national framework on corporate purpose and social impact
- Supplying smart devices to needy beneficiaries
- Supporting caregivers of persons with disabilities
Find out more about AfAs.

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Job and Industry Support
JGI: Jobs Growth Incentive
A scheme to support the hiring of Singapore locals in businesses. The JGI provides salary support to enable firms to grow their local workforce, from September 2020 to September 2021.
JSS: Jobs Support Scheme
A wage support scheme to help employers retain their local employees. The JSS payouts are meant to offset local employees' wages and help protect their jobs. The scheme has been extended to September 2021 to help businesses that remain badly hit by the pandemic, such as those in the tourism and aviation sector.
STEER: SG Together Enhancing Enterprise Resilience programme
A national fund programme to help the business community tackle challenges arising from COVID-19, by matching funds raised over 10 industry-led funds. Over 2,700 businesses are expected to benefit, with more than $10 million already matched across the 10 funds.
Singapore Public Service
Within the Public Service, the Public Sector Transformation movement aims to spur change in public officers’ Work, across the Workforce, and at the Workplace – or the 3Ws.
Efforts to encourage include such transformation include the STIP – Short-term Immersion Programme, SJR – Structured Job Rotation, TAP – Talent Attachment Programme and more.
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