7 Items Under $20 To Boost Your Productivity

Elevate and optimise your workflow with these seven affordable and practical additions to your office setup.
7 Items Under $20 To Boost Your Productivity

If you find yourself confined to a desk for hours on end for work, having the right tools can make all the difference to your productivity levels.

Whether you are tackling paperwork or juggling multiple tasks in your workplace, here are seven affordable finds under $20 that can level up your work experience without breaking the bank.

1. Desk Timer

A desk timer can enhance your efficiency by helping you stay focused and committed to critical tasks.

It can serve as a valuable tool for implementing time management techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, which involves breaking your work into short, focused intervals followed by brief breaks. Consider experimenting with different time intervals to determine what works best for optimising your workflow.

2. Stress Ball

Stress balls are handy companions for stress relief on the go.

Stress balls are handy companions for stress relief on the go, whether you’re at your desk, in transit, or in a meeting. You can easily slip one of them into your pocket, bag or desk drawer and use it to alleviate tension and improve your focus by redirecting your nervous energy into a more controlled activity.

Beyond stress relief, some studies show that using stress balls can also help strengthen the muscles in your wrists, which can be particularly helpful for those who spend long hours typing on keyboards.

3. Keyboard Wrist Pad

Adding a keyboard wrist pad to your work set-up is an ergonomic must, especially for those who spend most of their day in front of a computer.

These pads can provide cushioning support for your wrists, ensuring they are positioned at a healthy angle while you work. Keyboard wrist pads can also prevent potential injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, which is common among individuals who use computers for prolonged periods.

4. Aromatherapy Diffuser

Essential oils are known for their calming properties and can have a positive impact on your mood and efficiency at work.

Essential oils with chamomile and lavender scents are known for their calming properties and can have a positive impact on your mood and efficiency at work.

Diffusing these therapeutic scents in your workspace can help reduce stress and create a more relaxed environment, especially when facing tight deadlines or navigating a hectic workday. 

5. Laptop Stand

A comfortable work environment is essential for maintaining focus and productivity throughout the day. One way to improve your comfort at work is to incorporate ergonomic accessories, such as a laptop stand, into your workspace.

A laptop stand raises your laptop to eye level, reducing strain on your neck, shoulders and back. This simple adjustment can make a significant difference in your overall posture and help prevent long-term discomfort. Consider it a small but impactful addition to your workspace for a healthier and more efficient work routine.

6. USB Desk Fan

Consider incorporating a USB desk fan at your workplace to improve air circulation and ventilation.

The confined spaces of office environments may be stuffy and uncomfortable. Consider incorporating a USB desk fan at your workplace to improve air circulation and ventilation.

The constant flow of fresh air can help you stay focused and alert throughout the day, boosting your productivity. Some may even find the low hum or white noise emitted by these desk fans to be conducive.

7. Desktop Whiteboard

Incorporating a desktop whiteboard into your work environment can significantly enhance your productivity by encouraging a visual and interactive approach to task management.

For instance, the whiteboard can be your canvas to organise tasks, deadlines and priorities. This visual representation provides a clear snapshot of your work tasks and allows for better task prioritisation.

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    Mar 4, 2024
    Yoganeetha Sivakumar
    Constance Neo
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