Why Your Work Matters: An Infographic

You are one of 139,000 officers in the Singapore Public Service. Do you know how your work complements the efforts of other officers? Here’s a simple infographic showing how your ministry, together with others, contributes to the overall results of the Singapore government.

It’s easy to lose sight of the big picture when we are mired in our work. It becomes hard to imagine that someone else in another agency could be working towards the same goals as you.

This is where SPOR, or the Singapore Public Sector Outcomes Review, comes in. First published in 2010, this biennial report looks at how the government has done in achieving its five major outcomes (see infographic for the outcomes). The Ministry of Finance compiles the report, with input from all ministries on their work in recent years and plans for the future.

The SPOR is a report card of sorts. It points out the areas for improvements from 2014, such as public transport, cyber defence, and emergency response, where hence there are increased investment. But it also shows how various ministries and agencies have come together in the past two years to contribute to the outcomes.

For instance, there are at least six lead ministries involved in creating “A Caring and Cohesive Society”, while seven ministries are largely responsible for “A Safe, Secure and Credible Singapore”. For those who wonder what other public agencies are doing with their funds, the SPOR also gives an overview of the strategies and resources used by public agencies.

To read this infographic, first identify the parent ministry you belong to. Then follow the coloured lines to find the outcomes that your ministry largely contributes to. Next, look for the other ministries that also work towards the same outcome(s).

Read the full report at www.mof.gov.sg/resources/singapore-public-sector-outcomes-review

    Jan 12, 2015
    Siti Maziah Masramli and Bridgette See
    Ng Shi Wei
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