Singapore’s Innovations In The Spotlight

From high-grade reclaimed water (NEWater) to an award-winning offshore landfill – the world’s first – on Pulau Semakau, Singapore has long had to innovate to address pressing needs.

Now learn about Singapore’s other engineering and technological marvels, which come to life on screen and in augmented reality with City of Innovation: Singapore, a 60-minute documentary and roving exhibition by the National Geographic made in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI).

The City of Innovation: Singapore exhibition was launched at the Marina Bay Sands Digital Light Canvas on November 15, along with the media launch for the long-form documentary.

Projector Mapping

(click the left and right arrows to view)

ThreescreensoftheProjectorMappingasapreviewofthefulldocumentary VisitorscanlearnabouttheanimalsandwildlifeatProjectorMappingstationthatbenefitfromtheEco-LinkBKEproject 3-DversionofthecityinVirtualSingaporeusedbyurbanplannerstodevelopSingaporesnewtownsandhousing AerialvideographygivesvisitorsabirdseyeviewoftheEco-LinkBKE SingaporestreesandgreeneryinadifferentlightofNationalParksBoardsDigitalForestproject SoundandvisualssetthecontextfortheStamfordDetentionTankhighlightinghowSingaporeisadaptingandstayingaheadofchangingweatherpatterns StamfordDetentionTankaprojectbynationalwateragencyPUBtocontainexcessstormwaterduringheavyrains


Experience the public sector projects for yourself at the roving exhibition from noon to 8pm on these dates:

Our Tampines Hub

Saturday–Monday, November 27 to December 1 

Toa Payoh HDB Hub

Saturday–Monday, December 11 to 15

Augmented Reality

(click the left and right arrows to view)

Scananimagetoviewa3-Dmodelofapressure-sensitiveshoeinsoledevelopedfordiabeticsbytheNationalUniversityofSingapore Wolbachia-carryingmosquitoesinpersonattheNationalEnvironmentAgencyNEAsbooth VideothatleapsoffanAR-enabledbrochuretofindoutmoreaboutSingaporesdenguewarriors Singaporesnano-satelliteinventionsusingtheexhibitionsAR-enabledbrochure Visitorscanalsotrytheirhandsat3-Dprinting Four-weekexhibitionbytheNationalGeographic


The City of Innovation: Singapore documentary premiered on the National Geographic channel on Sunday, November 17. It features many more projects, including flying vehicles for the mass market, futuristic motorcycle helmets and a deepwater ocean lab for testing underwater vessels and floating platforms.

Catch repeats of the documentary on National Geographic (Starhub TV channel 411 and SingTel TV Channel 201):

  • Tuesday, November 26, at 4.10pm
  • Wednesday, January 8, 2020, at 8.00pm
  • Sunday, January 12, 2020, at 10.40pm

Or watch the full documentary online on the NatGeo Asia YouTube channel.

Find out more:

    Nov 26, 2019
    Siti Maziah Masramli
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