7 Ways To Go Steady With The Public

Learn how to get closer with the people. Paper Art by Beatrice Ng.

7 Ways To Go Steady With The Public

Do you remember when you first “went steady”? There was that exciting “getting to know you better” stage and not knowing what might happen next. Still, it was a clear signal of commitment. This issue, Challenge looks at how the Public Service can also signal clearly that it’s committed to a stronger relationship with the public. First up, what’s causing the shift in government-citizen pacts around the world? We chat with Head of Civil Service, Mr Peter Ong, and a few active citizens to get their thoughts on how to work better together. We also learn how several public agencies in Singapore are opening up (their data) to draw citizen coders into a deeper partnership. Meanwhile, Singapore’s new Social Service Offices are changing the way social aid reaches residents in need. Online, some public agencies are #winning the hearts of wired citizens on social media. See how they do it. Plus! We feature four officers who shine at building good relationships with those they serve. So with all these love stories, are you ready to go steady? Start with Growing With Our Citizenry.

This article is part of a series 7 Ways To Go Steady With The Public.

  1. Growing With Our Citizenry
    The social contract between Singaporeans and the government is changing. How should government agencies respond?
  2. Earn Trust By Connecting Emotionally
    Head of Civil Service Peter Ong on the elements of trust and where the Public Service can do better.
  3. How Openness Strengthens Relationships
    Sharing data and crowdsourcing through hackathons is bringing two public agencies closer to the public.
  4. Bringing Help Closer To Homes
    Moving into the heart of communities and working closely with partners, the new Social Service Offices do their work guided by the principle that it's all about the people.
  5. Co-Creating Singapore: Citizens Have Their Say
    As Singapore moves towards a new relationship between people and government, three active citizens say it's time to give the people a bigger role in co-creating Singapore. 
  6. Let's Get Personal
    There is no foolproof way to make any Facebook, Instagram or Twitter post go viral. But some public agencies have begun to show that humour and "keeping it real" can help them engage the public like never before.
  7. They've Got Your Back
    Challenge talks to four winners of this year’s PS21 Star Service Award who have earned the public’s trust by being there for them.
    May 12, 2014
    John Heng
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